ElvBit Studio Приложения

Yuk Wudhu 1.5
ElvBit Studio
Yuk wudhu merupakan aplikasi yang membantuproses belajar anak dalam berwudhu, dimana didalamnya terdapat tatacara berwudhu yang baik dan benar. Aplikasi ini juga terdapatpetunjuk doa berwudhu beserta artiya. Sehingga anak-anak dapatmenirukan gerakan wudhu dan berdoa dalam berwudhu di kehidupansehari-hari.Let ablution is anapplication that helps the child learn to perform ablutions, inwhich there are good procedures and correct her ablutions. Theapplication also contained instructions perform ablutions alongartiya prayer. So kids can imitate the movement of ablution andperform ablution in prayer in daily life.
Okezone News 1.1.0
ElvBit Studio
This application contains information such asthe music of Portal Okezone Campus, elections, economy, figures,etc.This application containsinformation such as the music of Portal Okezone Campus, elections,economy, figures, etc.
Republika Islam 1.1.0
ElvBit Studio
This application contains information on theportal Republika Islam as Umrah-Hajj, new convert, Wisdom,Khazanah, etc.This application containsinformation on the portal Republika Islam as Umrah-Hajj, a newconvert, Wisdom, Khazanah, etc.
Asmaul Husna 1.0
ElvBit Studio
Learn the beautiful names of Allah with itstranslation and image.Learn the beautiful namesof God with its translation and image.
Tech News 1.0.0
ElvBit Studio
This application contains the most updatednews about technology which is developed over the world.
Gooners News 1.0.0
ElvBit Studio
This app contains the latest news from ArsenalFC soccer team in the form of text and video, and also thisapplication contains info of Arsenal FC players.
Republika Ekonomi 1.1.0
ElvBit Studio
This application contains information on theportal such as AP Economics Macro Economics, Finance, Business,Sharia, etc.This application containsinformation on the portal such as AP Economics Macro Economics,Finance, Business, Sharia, etc.
Yuk Doa 1.2
ElvBit Studio
Yuk doa merupakan aplikasi yang membantuproses belajar anak dalam berdoa, dimana didalamnya terdapatdoa-doa yang sering kita gunakan sehari-hari. Anak-anak dapatmenirukan dan menghafal doa-doa dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.Let prayer is anapplication that helps children's learning process in prayer, inwhich there are prayers that we use everyday. Children can imitateand memorize prayers in daily life.
Islamic Reminder 2 2.0
ElvBit Studio
Islamic Reminder merupakan aplikasi pengingatIslam dengan ruang lingkup pengingat waktu sholat, puasa, tanggalpentig, dan dzikir.Islamic Reminder is areminder application with the scope of Islamic prayer timereminders, fasting, pentig date, and dhikr.
Everton News 1.0.0
ElvBit Studio
This app contains the latest news from EvertonFC soccer team in the form of text and video, and also thisapplication contains info of Everton FC players.
Islamic Reminder 1.0
ElvBit Studio
Islamic Reminder adalah aplikasipengingatibadah untuk seluruh umat muslim agar tetap menjalankanperintahAllah SWT. Aplikasi ini mengingatkan berbagai macam ibadahsepertishalat wajib, shalat sunnah, puasa wajib, puasasunnah,tanggal-tanggal penting dalam islam, serta dzikirharian.Islamic worshipReminderis a reminder application for all Muslims to keep runningthecommands of Allah. This application is reminiscent of variouskindsof worship such as prayer obligatory, sunnah prayers,fastingobligatory, sunnah fasting, important dates in Islam, anddailydevotions.
Pray Timer 1.0
ElvBit Studio
Aplikasi memberikan info tentang jadwalsholatdan alarm sholatApplicationsprovideinformation about the schedule of prayer and prayeralarm
KabarCuaca 1.0
ElvBit Studio
Aplikasi ini memberikan info cuaca selama6hariThis applicationprovidesweather info for 6 days
Hajj Tech 1.0.2
ElvBit Studio
HAJJ-TECH merupakan aplikasi yang dibuatuntukmembantu mengurangi kemungkinantersesat bagi para jama’ah umrah dengan cara mengetahui dimanaposisi mereka saat inidan di mana posisi koordinator dari ketua kelompok umrah.Aplikasi ini digunakan oleh para jama’ah umrah yangtelahmendaftarkan diri di pihak travelSerta telah menyetujui syarat dan ketentuan dalampenggunaanaplikasi ini.HAJJ-TECH isanapplication created to help reduce the likelihoodlost for prayers Umrah by knowing where they stand todayand in which the position of coordinator of the group leader umrah.This application is used by Umrah pilgrims who have enrolledinthe travelAnd has agreed to the terms and conditions of use oftheseapplications.
Suhu 1.1
ElvBit Studio
Memudahkan Anda dalam mengkonversikansuhudalam beberapa parameter seperti Celcius, Reamur, Fahrenheit,sertaKelvin dimanapun dan kapanpun berada tanpa harusmenggunakanperhitungan matematis secara manual. Tentunya denganhasil yangsudah teruji kebenarannya.Enable you toconverttemperature in Celsius several parameters such as,Reamur,Fahrenheit, and Kelvin are anywhere and anytime withouthaving touse mathematical calculations manually. Of course, withthe resultsthat have been verified.
NearUs 1.1
ElvBit Studio
NearUs, aplikasi pencarian lokasiterdekatdisekitar kitaNearUs, nearbysearchapplications around us
AroundUs 1.0
ElvBit Studio
Aplikasi pencarian tempat populer terdekatdaritempat terdekat dimana kita berada sehingga akan memudahkanuseruntuk menvari tempat terdekat disekitarnyaPopular placesnearbysearch application from the nearest place where we're makingiteasier for a user to menvari nearby places around
Liverpool News 1.0.0
ElvBit Studio
This app contains the latest newsfromLiverpool FC soccer team in the form of text and video, andalsothis application contains info of Liverpool FC players.
Yuk Belajar 1.1
ElvBit Studio
aplikasi yang mengajarkan anak kecildalammengenal huruf dan angka secara mudahapp that teachesyoungchildren in recognizing letters and numbers are easy
Photo Analyzer 1.0.0
ElvBit Studio
This application is used to analyze the object in the form ofimageor text photos. The results of the analysis will be anexplanationabout the condition or content contained in the photo.This appuses Azure Cognitive Service and Apache Cordova.